or·di·nar·y /ˈôrdnˌerē/
adjective - with no special or distinctive features; normal.
noun - what is commonplace or standard.

If you feel kind of ordinary then you are in the right place. This blog is for ordinary people, about ordinary people. No household names, no superstars, just ordinary people with one thing in common - they serve an EXTRAORDINARY GOD!

My deepest desire is to inspire you to leave your fears behind, forget who is watching, and go out and impact your world for God’s glory. After all, He has always used ordinary people to do His work, so why would He stop now? 


About Melissa

If you read this blog, you’ll learn more about me than you probably ever wished to know, so I’ll keep this short. You guessed it - I’m just an ordinary girl. Actually, to call myself a “girl” is being generous - I just can’t come to terms with my actual phase in life - so let’s roll with it! I was born in the western suburbs of Sydney, Australia to wonderful, Godly parents and grew up in an average household, along with my older brother and younger sister. (Don’t go reading anything into the “middle child” designation!)

Around 17 years ago, God used some pretty tumultuous circumstances in my life to catapult me half way across the world to San Francisco into a completely new (and terrifying) reality.

I met and married my hubby, Doug, (who isn’t at all ordinary) and embarked on the journey/adventure we call life serving Jesus. We live in the San Francisco Bay Area with our two gorgeous fur babies, Jackson and Vincent Van Dog.

My passion is to encourage other Christ followers to be all that He intended them to be. My prayer is that this blog achieves that.